1.How to run MultiGet file downloader?
2.How to compile MultiGet from source code?
3.I still use Linux with 2.4.x kernel, can I use MultiGet?
4.Can I run MultiGet with GNOME based on GTK+-1.2?
5.Which windows manager that MultiGet support?
6.Which Linux distros can MultiGet run in?
7.How to add a mirror url to a task?
8.Is MultiGet support comand line arguments?
9.Why sometimes got file move fail warnning when task finish?
10.How to create a batch task?
11.How to set the clipboard extention filter?
12.What can I do when MultiGet crash?
Q: How to run MultiGet file downloader?
A: Currently MultiGet can only run in Linux, MacOs, FreeBSD. It can't
run in Windows. For Linux user , if you have GNOME v2.14+ desktop with
kernel 2.6.x, then you can run it directly. Just download the binary
file, untar it, then you will get a file named MultiGet. It's a
runnable file, chmod +x MultiGet, and ./MultiGet . If for some reason,
you got dependence errors, then you maybe need compile it from source.
The binary file is compiled under ubuntu 6.06.
If you run KDE or XFCE as desktop, maybe you need to install GTK+-2.0
runtime library, because MultiGet need GTK to run under linux.
If you are pclinuxos user, or BSD user, or MacOs user, you had better compile it from source.
Q: How to compile MultiGet from source code (In Linux,FreeBSD,MacOS)?
A: Refer to the readme_en.txt in source packet. Generally you need
wxGTK , wxMac or wxWidgets. The GUI depends on it. It's very easy
to compile wxWidgets:
Download the wxWidgets packets, depend on your system, Linux need
wxGTK and Mac need wxMac. unpack it, enter the directory, make a
new directory like static_unicode_build, enter new dir and type in:
../configure --enable-shared --enable-monolithic --with-gtk=2
--with-zlib=builtin --with-expat=builtin --with-libtiff=builtin
--with-regex=builtin --with-libjpeg=builtin --enable-unicode
if runs ok, then type "make" to compile it. After make finish, type
"make install" to install wxWidgets into your system. And then you goto
MultiGet source directory , type "make", after a while, you will get
the runnable file, MultiGet.
If you change --enable-shared to --disable-shared, then you will get a static MultiGet, it can run without wxWidgets.
Q: I still use Linux with 2.4.x kernel, can I use MultiGet?
A: MultiGet aims on new version of Linux with GUI desktop, I have
not make any test on kernel 2.4. If you want try it, maybe you should
patch the source code, because the pthread in 2.6.x is different from
Q: Can I run MultiGet with GNOME based on GTK+-1.2?
A: Try to compile wxWidgets with "--with-gtk=1", I have not tested if it works, GTK-1.2 is too old now.
Q: Which windows manager that MultiGet support?
A: For Linux user, GNOME, KDE, XFCE, FVWM are reported work. It's depends on wxWidgets because MultiGet use wxWidgets GUI.
Q: Which Linux distros can MultiGet run in?
A: Including ubuntu 5.10+,kubuntu 5.10+, xubuntu 5.10+, fc5, fc6, opensuse10.2 alpha4,
mandriva 2007, MEPIS 6.0,
CentOS4.4, Puppy2.0, Xandros, edubuntu, RedFlag workstation 5,
MagicLinux2.0, dubuntu, archlinux, Hiweed, rays, PCLinuxOS.
Q: How to add a mirror url to a task?
A: If you want add a mirror at the time when new task being created,
then, the new task dialog is showing, drag the mirror url to drop
window or just copy the url to clipboard. The new task dialog will
catch it to mirror list if you not filter it out by settings. The
mirror url can be a directory, the filename tail will be auto appended
as your choice. Also, it can be a file url.
If you want add a mirror url to a running task, open the properties dialog, then do like above.
Q: Is MultiGet support comand line arguments?
A: Yes , I can accept args like this:
./MultiGet url=http://www.sina.com.cn/logo.png
all args is string, with prefix like "url=" or "refer=".
you can make flashgot support MulltiGet with [url=URL]
Q: Why sometimes got file move fail warnning when task finish?
A: If you choose the destination directory isn't in your home dir, move maybe fail. In version 1.1 I will try to fix this.
Q: How to create a batch task?
A: from beta4, MultiGet support batch task, if you want to download :
then when you create the task with url "http://www.msn.com/1.jpg",
modify the main url to "http://www.msn.com/[1-100].jpg" in the new task
[01-55]=01,02 ... 55
[005-009]=005,006 ... 009
[24-234]=24,25 ... 234
you can also download tutorial part1 for detail.
Q: How to set the clipboard extention filter?
A: Split all the exts with space, ',' or ';' like this
".html,.exe;.gif .png .jpg", don't use more than one splitter to split
the exts. Ignore exts is prior to monitor exts.
Q: What can I do when MultiGet crash?
A: Current version 1.0 is stable for linux, it's not so often to
crash. But if it really happen, all the data is in a hiden directory
.MultiGet. Add the new task again(if task lost), it will continue to
Sorry for my poor English!